A project for TWINS 2010 created for theaters and stages of the "Ruhrgebiet" and of its European twin towns by Maegie Koreen
Since long ago songs helped people to get over grief and sorrow and to express their joy, thus were a source of energy for their daily life. Songs are like bread, they are the reality and the truth of the period, in which they are sung. The songs of Europe are influenced by many different languages and cultures and are rediscovered by artists, who combine them with their own cultural roots. One of the most important ways of expression is the "chanson".
The art of chansons and songs, which comes from large cities, needs a close relation between literature, composition and singers.
The "RuhrChansonnale" is supposed to be a place for singers, musicians and poets of the Ruhrregion and its twin cities, who dedicate their songs to the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow.
The area of the Ruhrgebiet has got theatres, halls and other places that are suitable for chanson programmes. This can be described as the creative atmosphere and the cultural climate of Europe.
The "RuhrChansonnale" gives the chance to the participating cities and their 165 twin towns to create a new base of modern communication through self awareness. Especially for the smaller and medium sized stages of the 53 cities and the 4 rural districts, the "Chansonnale" offers the possibility to take part in the project "TWINS 2010", in which they can exchange performances and chanson programs with their partners.
This effect of exchange can easily be extended by the discovery of unusual places of performance and goes back to the tradition of "Chanson-Café". Theatres and stages should open their doors and give visitors the possibility to look behind the scenes.
The distinguishing characteristic of this festival, which is unbound and wants to achieve certain sustainability, assures a high value of recognition and a characteristic quality, through which it can be easily classified by the audience.
It is evident that a lot of young people are longing for orientation in their life; want to express themselves in public. A concert might be a special way of emotional encounter, which can lead to a discussion of everyday life and its problems.
There is a revival of the "chanson" and many young artists like to express themselves in this way, thus give a new dimension of performance by writing own lyrics and music. They want to unite their music, performance and emotional state of mind with the audience.
A "chanson" is always something unique and is always characterised by the individuality and the social engagement of the performer. By sharing experiences, hopes and fears with the audience the identity of an artist keeps its social dimension.
Through the conditions of the globalisation and structural changes we have to face questions of social and personal existence. It is clearly to see that we can only cope with future through great efforts. "Chanson" can serve as an example, because its creation is based on great efforts. "Chanson" is dealing with political values and thus makes a contribution to the cultural and social development.
We can find active and creative performers in each participating city of the TWINS 2010 project, who dedicate all their strength to this combination of lyrics, music and political and social messages. They should meet people with the same interest at the European Chansonnale. The encouragement, support and promotion of young artists are the consequences of this multicultural network.
The variety of European exchange between all the participating cities of the "Ruhrgebiet" might as well lead to an identification and cultural self-confidence with the European audience across the borders.
Spielorte & Termine
Die Festivalkonzerte (je ca. 3 Stunden) finden jeweils mit allen beteiligten Künstlern an den folgenden Orten statt:
Aktueller Flyer (Leporello) zum Programm
Offizielle Ankündigung der Ruhr.2010

Aktuelle Pressestimmen (PDF) (Gladbeck | 29.01.2010) (PDF) (Gelsenkirchen | 20.01.2010)
www.Der (Gelsenkirchen | 07.01.2010)
www.Der (Gelsenkirchen | 17.01.2010)
www.Der (Hagen | 22.01.2010)
www.Der (Gladbeck | 28.01.2010)
www.Der (Bottrop | 29.01.2010)
www.Der (Hagen | 31.01.2010)
www.Der (Gelsenkirchen | 02.02.2010)
Stadtspiegel (PDF) (Gelsenkirchen | 24.02.2010)
Der (PDF) (Gladbeck | 15.03.2010)
(Konzert-Rezension) Westfalenpost (PDF) (Hagen | 15.03.2010)
(Konzert-Rezension)WAZ (PDF) (Gelsenkirchen | 18.03.2010)
(Konzert-Rezension)Der (PDF) (Bottrop | 21.03.2010)
(Konzert-Rezension)Medienrauschen RUHR.2010 (15.03.2010)
Impressionen (Gliwice | 02.03.2010)
(Start bei ca. 06.00 Min) (Video der Gruppe LorlanJ)

Presse Gliwice (PL)
MAEGIE KOREEN Jurymitglied beim
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